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border collie artinya

contoh kalimat "border collie"
  • When I was just a kid, I grew up with Border Collies.
    anak, Aku dibesarkan dengan Border Collies.
  • Observe agent Rigsby, as neurotic as a border collie.
    sebagai umpan yg cerdas.
  • I just love Border Collies.
    Aku Cinta Border Collies.
  • Instead, it is considered more useful to identify a working Border Collie by its attitude and ability.
    Didesain untuk memperluas dukungan khalayak dengan memengaruhi sikap dan tingkah lakunya.
  • The series revolves around the Goodman family, especially their 6-year-old son named Tommy and the family's border collie, the demonic Mr. Pickles.
    Serial tersebut mengisahkan tentang keluarga Goodman, putra mereka yang berumur 6 tahun yang bernama Tommy dan seekor border collie milik keluarga tersebut, Mr. Pickles.
  • American Bulldog, Border Collie, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Newfoundland, Rottweiler, Scottish Terrier and many more! 148 photos of adorable puppies and the adult dogs they become, teach you to recognize 74 breeds of dog, with interesting facts about each breed.
    Amerika Bulldog, Collie Border, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Newfoundland, Rottweiler, Skotlandia Terrier, dan banyak lagi! Foto 148 anak anjing menggemaskan dan anjing dewasa mereka menjadi, mengajarkan Anda untuk mengenali 74 ras anjing, dengan fakta-fakta menarik tentang setiap jenis keturunan.